Thursday, February 24, 2011

FMF Sadness

Dear Readers,

Sadly I am going to discontinue doing Family Movie Fridays (at least for right now) since well number one, we haven't watched a movie in a long time, due to busy-ness, and number two life is so packed these days between keeping my house in order, working on my jewelry, writing other entries for the blog, and trying to keep up with a growing boy its hard to do much else.  Judah is staying awake longer during the days now, therefore requiring more of my attention and time.  I will occassionally try to write a movie review as we are able to watch films but for now we must say goodbye to FMF.  Thanks to all the supporters and readers of FMF thus far.  Lastly, I am also trying to prioritize my life better for my family and for the Lord.  I think FMF should take on a new meaning: Faithful Mom Forever. 


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