Monday, January 31, 2011

Mommy's Wish List

I wanted to discuss the little list on the right hand side of my blog as some of you may have noticed.  Now before you think that this is a whole list of things I want people to buy me, that would be incorrect.  It is more of a list of things to remind myself to hopefully get.  It is mostly a list of needs (I know I don't need a massage, but c'mon that would be pretty nice for a full time mother).  Mommy's Wish List is also for people to look and say "hey, I have that and don't need it anymore" because I am one hundred percent okay with getting second hand items. I am not even saying I expect to receive anything from anyone (that would be surprising to me and a provision of the Lord naturally), but like I said the list is mainly for my sake and I felt it needed a little explanation. Most of the things on here are just your everyday things, such as loaf pans & sippy cups.  Then again there are things such as wedding photo albums, because yes, after almost three years I still have not organized my six hundred plus wedding photo collection. 

The list is short but will be growing as I think of things.  So in the mean time, if you see anything on my list that you may not need or know of where to get for cheap, please let me know.  You can contact me at


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